Cover of the sarcophagus of Marshal Józef Piłsudski – version I
An earlier variant of the sarcophagus cover for Marshal Józef Piłsudski, listed as version I. The work is a relief showing a figure of the Marshal in a coat with his head resting on a pillow. At the figure's feet lies an eagle with spread wings, the left hand holds the gorget, the right hand falls down along the body, holding the mace in his hand.
The design of the sarcophagus cover is made of plaster as a multi-stage work with other elements glued on. It is reinforced with a wooden structure, oakum and a metal frame. The cover has many openings due to air getting into the plaster during the casting process.
More information on the construction of Marshal Piłsudski's sarcophagus is available in: The cover of the sarcophagus of Marshal Józef Piłsudski - version II.
It is 290 cm long, 115 cm wide and 59 cm thick.