Piast – project of the medal
It shows a composition of three characters. In the middle we can see a man turning a wheel and two angels on his sides both with large wings.
The medal shows Piast Kołodziej, the progenitor of the Piast family. According to Gall Anonim, he was Chościsk’s son and a poor plowman. He had a wife called Rzepicha and a son of a name Siemowit. Two angels descended from heaven wanted to go to a feast of Prince Popiel’s sons (celebrating their first haircut – it was a pretty common celebration in the Middle Ages), but they were chased from it. Piast was the one who let them join the feast in his humble abode, celebrating with his only son. The angels, captivated by the man’s hospitality, cut his son’s hair. The incident apparently made everyone respect Piast, and he was proclaimed the prince of Poland. Popiel and his sons were banished from the kingdom. This legend was supposed to explain divine right to the throne of the dynasty.
The object is a plaster cast, coated with a dark brown patina and grayish green patina.
It is 13.5 cm wide and 2 cm thick.